Benafica Adds Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) to Benefit Ecosystem

For Immediate Release Lindsey Haller 651.735.9822

Employer COBRA Responsibilities

COBRA is a federal law that requires employers with 20 or more employees to offer continuing coverage to individuals who would otherwise lose their health[…]

How does a High Deductible Health Plan work?

So you’re interested in a High Deductible Health Insurance Plan? This option has been growing in popularity as of late, and it’s important to understand[…]

Keep your employee health benefits administrator in the loop.

According to a survey conducted by linkedin: 50% of respondents say that flexibility of hours or location has become more important to them, post-COVID.[…]

ICHRA vs. Group Plans: Which is better?

Is ICHRA better than a traditional group plan? In many cases yes. This innovative health insurance model is a superior option compared to traditional[…]

Benafica joins LeClair Group’s Product Portfolio

Bringing key employer services to insurance advisors

Facilitating Section 125 deductions with an ICHRA.

Download the full Handout for Free Here

Comparing ICHRA vs. QSEHRA, what is best for your business?

As a small business owner looking to offer health coverage for the first time or wanting an alternative to traditional group health insurance a Health[…]

Government Paid COBRA Health Insurance: What employers need to know.

Read our latest update. As a COBRA service provider Benafica strives to keep you informed and compliant.

What is a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan?

Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, also known as a “Cafeteria Plan” allows employees to pay certain expenses on a pre-tax basis, such as insurance[…]